3 is an unbalanced, game-forcing raise with a singleton or void. Opener can sign off in 4 with a minimum and no interest in slam. If opener is interested in slam, however, he can bid 3 as a relay bid asking for responder's short suit. The purpose of these "ambiguous splinters" is to avoid giving the defenders too much information when opener wants to sign off in game.
3 Artificial relay. Responder is expected to bid his singleton or void at the 4-level:
Some play 3NT as the artificial relay which is the same as the ambiguous splinter over hearts
3 is an unbalanced, game-forcing raise with a singleton or void. Opener can sign off in 4 with a minimum and no interest in slam. If opener is interested in slam, however, he can bid 3NT as a relay bid asking for responder's short suit. The purpose of these "ambiguous splinters" is to avoid giving the defenders too much information when opener wants to sign off in game.
3NT Artificial relay. Responder is expected to bid his singleton or void at the 4-level: