
Named for its American creators Allinger, Stern and Rosler, Astro is a defensive convention for use against an opponent's 1NT opening. 

Over an enemy 1NT,

Advancer's rebids to 2Club are:

Advancer's rebids to 2Diamond are:

If advancer gives the relay response (2Diamond to 2Club and 2Heart to 2Diamond), overcaller's rebids are:

Pass: The relay response happened to be overcaller's second suit

Two of the anchor suit: A good five-card suit or better. Opener should bid his good anchor suit first before showing a good second suit.

Cheapest second suit: A good five-card suit or better If overcaller rebids two of the anchor suit, advancer may rebid 2NT to ask for his second suit.

Pinpoint Astro

uses the following overcalls of 1NT: