Mathe Asking Bid

The convention is named for Lew Mathe, the late American expert and WBF Grand Master.

Over a limit raise by partner, the next bid (3S if hearts, 3NT if spades) asks partner to bid their splinter suit, if they have one.

1Heart Pass 3Heart Pass

* 3NT is used to show a spade cue.

1Heart Pass 3Heart Pass
3Spade Pass 3NT*

* 3NT is used to show a spade splinter.

To make an asking bid, opener should have a side suit that can score ruffs opposite a singleton or void. Examples: Axxx, Axx, xxxx. Alternatively, opener may have a good side suit and will stop in game opposite shortness (i.e. a misfit).


1Heart Pass 3Heart Pass
3Spade* Pass 4Heart**

* Mathe Asking Bid, ** 4H (Denies a splinter)

1Heart Pass 3Heart Pass
3Spade* Pass 4Club** Pass

* Mathe Asking Bid, ** Club splinter

1Spade Pass 3Spade Pass
3NT* Pass 4Heart**

* Mathe Asking Bid, ** Heart splinter