This is a little known treatment or convention, if you will, with a certain interpretation.
The Snapdragon Double (also known as competitive double, fourth-suit double, or impossible double). It is a call of double by fourth hand, when three different suits have been bid by the first three players and shows a good holding in the fourth suit and tolerance for partner's suit.
First, let us see it in action.
1 - 2 - 2 - DOUBLE. The Snap Dragon Double. West promises a 5-card Spade suit and insufficient values to bid on the two level and tolerance for Clubs, the suit bid by partner.
The definition of "tolerance" varies among partnerships, and may include any doubleton, only honor doubleton, or require three-card support
1 - 1 - 2 - DOUBLE. The Snap Dragon Double. West promises a 5-card Diamond suit and insufficient values to bid on the two level and tolerance for Spades, the suit bid by partner.
Before using Snap Dragon, both partners should agree: