Courtesy of Bob Crosby)
April 1st 2007
Experts have decided that a 1 opener with a 2 rebid requires special attention. When opener rebids 2 an 11 trick is far away so normally the goal (major games excepted) is to get to 3NT. Experts have decided to use 2 as a NMF after a 2 rebid and only a one round force. The Godfather 2NT by responder is a one round force (treated as a new suit) so opener can escape to a partial by bidding 3. A jump rebid by responder is a slam try with a good suit (recovering the strong jump shift). A jump preference by responder in the club suit is invitational.
A 2 rebid by opener is not a misfit auction. A misfit auction is where all 4 suits have been bid naturally by the partnership. Therefore, a jump to a new suit by responder is invitational, natural and normally a 5-5.
AJ10xx x AJ10xx xx
1 | Pass | 1 | Pass |
2 | Pass | 3* | Pass |
* 3 shows a two suiter with invitational values
A simple 2 bid by responder after initially bidding 1 is not even forcing one round!
1 | Pass | 1 | Pass |
2 | Pass | 2 | Pass |
With a forcing to game heart hand use the 2 NMF and keep bidding hearts after that. This particular sequence puts on the game force. A 2 bid is a “catch all” bid after 2. This is the bid you make when you cannot think of anything else to bid or to force with a club fit and a non balanced hand. With this in mind, do not bid up the line after partner opens 1 when you are strong enough for two bids.
AQ109 xxx AJ9x xx
1 | Pass | 1 | Pass |
2 | Pass | 2* | Pass |
* Catch all 2 bid. Bidding 1 (up the line) traps you with no suitable bid after 2. 2NT will wrong side the NT and bidding spades after diamonds shows distribution you do not have. This sequence you are essentially groping for a 3NT that is right sided.
Do not automatically bid up the line as responder especially with so much room after a 1 opener. Think of what might happen when you make that move like a good chess player. When you respond 1 after 1 with the above hand, what do you bid after 2? We are waiting…
My partner held this hand J109xxx Kxx x KQx
I opened 1 with a 1 response. I bid 2 so now what? A 2 bid is invitational but does not describe this hand properly. A 3 bid is an underbid and hides the 6 card spade suit. A godfather 2NT bid is a one round force but lacks the stoppers in the unbid suits. A 2 bid is a “waiting bid” and only a one round force initially. When partner does not support spades, treat the 6 card suit a 5 carder and support clubs. 5 is cold and 2 goes one down! KQx fills in partners 6 card suit so 3NT is also cold. Devalue bad 6 card suits and call them a 5 card suit. Upgrade your hand when you hold KQx of partner's 6 card suit. Hand evaluation first and foremost.
Use the 2NT bid by responder as the forcing bid, when you are interested in a club slam and you have stoppers in the unbid suits. If the slam try fails, you have right sided the NT so all is well. The 2 bid and the Godfather 2NT bid are the only forcing calls at the 2 level so use the bids wisely.