Benjamin 2-Bids are strong artificial bids used to show near game or game-going hands. Most people are familiar with a variation of one of the Benjamin two-bids, the strong 2 opening. The first source I found called them Benjamin Two-Bids, but I have since learned that in the French bidding system they are un-named strong two-bid openings.
Benjamin 2 shows
The 2 bid is within a trick and a half of game (many players require it to be within one trick of game). Responses to the bid are
Partnerships have different point minimums needed to respond outside of 2. The key point is that the partnership is not forced to game because of the 2 opening.
Benjamin 2 is even stronger. It shows a minimum of 24-25 points with even distribution or 23 points and an unbalanced hand. The partnership is forced to game somewhere. The responses are:
The only time I saw someone play Benjamin 2 the meanings of the 2 and 2 bids were reversed to allow opener to continue to conceal the strong hand.