Lack of immediate natural 2/1 GF with a minor suit.
1 - 2
is 3 card support, minimum raise.
1 - 2
- Artificial GF (does not have exactly doubleton heart and 4 spades; any other shape).
GF Raise
1 - 2
(Jacoby 2NT like GF raise).
- Shortness
here. CAB not counting short suit K. Respond:
3 - Extra values, no shortness. CAB. Respond
1 - 2
- Mini-splinter somewhere. Invitation +, 4 card support.
2NT Asking.
1 - 2NT - GF, doubleton heart and exactly 4 spades.(4-2-(3/4)-(3/4)).
1 - 3NT - GF, doubleton heart 15 - 17 points. (3-2-4-4).
1 - 3
- Mixed minimum raise with 4 card support (If 5 - 7 points, may have shortness, if 7 - 9 points it is flat).
1 - 3
- Invitation, flat hand, 4 card support.
1 - 3
- Pre-emptive Raise.
Spade Raises
1 - 1NT Forcing. *Specialized strong hand sequences by the opener similar to those over 1
opener are not covered here. Minimum Responses and Game Tries
1 - 2
- 3 card support, minimum raise.
1 - 2
- Artificial GF (any shape, less than 5 hearts)
1 - 2
- GF with 5 + hearts
1 - 2
- Jacoby 2NT like GF raise.
1 - 2NT - Mini-splinter somewhere. Invitation +, 4 card support. 3
1 - 3
- GF, doubleton spade and exactly 4 hearts.(2-4-(3/4)-(3/4)).
1 - 3NT - GF, doubleton spade, 15 - 17 points. (2-3-4-4).
1 - 3
- Mixed minimum raise with 4 card support (If 5 - 7 points, may have shortness, if 7 - 9 points it is flat).
1 - 3
- Invitation, flat hand, 4 card support.
1 - 3
- Pre-emptive Raise.
- 2
, by a passed hand is Inverse Drury. Pass or move forward using exact same structure as above. 2
Is a simple raise.
Note: When Partner is a passed hand, none of the Bergen structure (other than the preemptive raise) is available.
Instead, all jumps are Fit Showing Jumps. Masked Mini-splinters survive.
Inverse Drury Etc.
- 2
- Invitational Raise.
Pass - Minimum Hand.
Game Tries
2/NT - Where would you
accept HSGT?
- Short suit game tries, as described above.
Slam Tries
- Extra
values, no shortness. CAB. Respond 4
= 0-2, step 1 = 3, step 2
= 4, etc.
- Splinter. CAB not counting short suit K. Respond
More Passed Hand Bidding
Fit Showing Jumps
- 2NT/3
- FSJ Invitational Raise. 4 card support with values in this suit (2NT = FSJ with spades over 1
Masked Mini-Splinters
- 2
/NT - Mini-splinter somewhere. Invitation, 4 card support.
Pre-emptive Jump
- 3
- Pre-emptive Raise.
Specialized sequences over 1
The Forcing Spade
1 - 1
- Relay to 1NT. Denies 4 spades but may have 5+ spades.
Opener must accept the relay if he has any minimum hand with (2/3/4) - 5 - (2/3) - (2/3) shape.
With all other shapes, the Opener is expected to bid his 2nd suit or rebid hearts when appropriate.
Minimum Hand Bids over the forcing 1 Response
1NT Relay accepted.
- Relay rejected due to shape. Second suit. Pass or correct.
Strong Hand Bids over the forcing 1 Response
2 Relay showing Strong Jump Shift values.
Please bid 3, unless you have either a 3 card limit raise (bid 3
), or 5 spades (bid 3
), 6+ spades (bid 3
3 - Relay accepted. Over the relay:
2NT 17 - 18, with suitable spade values.
is 5+ hearts and 5+ clubs/diamonds distributional hand with invitational values.
3 - Invitational hand with 6+ hearts.
3 - Western Cue. Bid 3NT with a spade stopper.
3NT - Unavailable as partner could easily have 5+ spades. You have to go through the Relay sequence.
Specialized sequences over 1 (continued.)
The Non-Forcing Notrump
1 - 1NT Minimum hand with exactly 4 spades, and not 3 hearts. Not forcing.
Minimum Hand Bids over The Non-Forcing 1NT Response
Pass - Play here.
- Shape issues. Second suit. Pass or correct.
2 - 6+ hearts. Play here.
2 - Minimum hand 4-4 spade fit.
Strong Hand Bids over 1NT Response
2NT 17 - 18.
3 - Relay showing Strong Jump Shift values. Please bid 3
3 - 5+ hearts and 5+ clubs/diamonds distributional hand.
3 - Invitational hand with 6+ hearts.
3 - Invitational hand with 4 spades.
3NT - To play.