
Lebensohl is used when the opponents have overcalled 1NT.

A 2NT bid by responder is a relay to 3C. Most of the time responder usually has a weak, one-suited hand. The 1NT bidder must relay to 3C, which responder can then pass with clubs or correct.

As a result, a direct new suit bid by responder at the THREE level is forcing.

1NT - (2C) - 2NT! (2NT is a relay to 3C). Responder's rebids after the 3C relay are:

1NT 2H 2NT Pass
3C Pass 3D*

* 3D is a sign-off bid showing at least five diamonds

1NT 2H 2NT Pass
3C Pass 3S*

*Since responder could have just bid 2S to show a weak hand, he is now inviting game in spades.

1NT 2C 2H*

* 2H is weak and natural

1NT 2S 3H*

* Responder has made a bid at the 3-level. This is natural and forcing.

1NT 2H 3H*

* 3H is Stayman, denying a heart guard.

1NT 2H 2NT Pass
3C Pass 3H*

*3H is Stayman, showing a heart guard.

1NT 2H 2NT Pass
3C Pass 3NT*

* Natural, promises a stopper in the enemy suit. A direct 3NT bid would DENY a stopper in the enemy suit.

1NT 2S 2NT Pass
3C Pass 3NT*

*3NT shows a spade stopper.

1NT 2S 3NT*

* 3NT denies a spade stopper.