NT openers and rebids when playing Precision
When hot
- 1NT opening shows a balanced 13-15 HCP
- 1
- 1
- 1NT shows a balanced 16-19 HCP
- 1
- 1
- 2NT shows a balanced 20-21 HCP
- 1
- 1
- 3NT shows a balanced 24-26 HCP (2NT opener shows 22-23)
When not hot
- 1NT opening shows a balanced 10-12 HCP
- 1
- 1
- 1NT shows a balanced 16-19 HCP
- 1
- 1
- 2NT shows a balanced 20-21 HCP
- 1
- 1
- 3NT shows a balanced 24-26 HCP (2NT opener shows 22-23)
Responding to 1
- 1
shows 0-7 HCP
(one exception 7 HCP consisting of an Ace and a King both in long suits or both in the same suit)
- 1
shows at least 5 hearts and 8 HCP or more
- 1
shows at least 5 spades and 8 HCP or more
- INT shows a balanced 8-13 HCP with no 5 card suit
- 2
shows at least 5 clubs and 8 HCP or more
- 2
shows at least 5 diamonds and 8 HCP or more
- 2
shows a 6 card suit with 4-6 HCP with the HCP concentrated in the suit
2NT would ask for shortness (singletons or void)
- 2NT shows a balanced 14+ with no 5 card suit
- 3
shows 4,4,4,1 with a black singleton lacking 4 controls. Usually less than 12 HCP. 3
asks responder where their singleton is. See example 1
- 3
shows 4,4,4,1 with a red singleton lacking 4 controls. Usually less than 12 HCP. 3
asks responder where their singleton is. See example 1.
- 3
shows 1,4,4,4 (singleton spade) with 4+ controls. Usually 12+ HCP.
- 3
shows any solid 7 or 8 card suit with or without side controls.
A suit that will play for no losers opposite a singleton. See Example 2.
- 3NT shows 4,4,4,1 (singleton club) with 4+ controls. Usually 12+ HCP.
- 4
shows 4,4,1,4 (singleton diamond) with 4+ controls. Usually 12+ HCP
- 4
shows 4,1,4,4 (singleton heart) with 4+ controls. Usually 12+ HCP
Bidding partner's singleton asks for controls.
the first step shows 4 controls, next 5 etc.
Example 1
after 1
- 3
. Openers bids are:
- 3
(asks) - 3
shows a singleton club, 3
shows a singleton spade
After finding out about the singleton, opener may next make a cuebid of the singleton
). The cuebid is the CAB. Partner’s responses are:
- 1st step 0-2 (at most one ace or two kings)
- 2nd step 3 (ace and king or 3 kings)
- 3rd step 4 (2 aces or 1 ace and 2 kings or 4 kings). This seems contradictory but if you have less than 12 HCP you cannot bid 1
- 3
to show 4 controls.
- 3NT is to play
- 4
is to play
- 4NT is Blackwood ace asking.
- 3
. Openers bids are:
- 3
(asks) - 3
shows a singleton diamond, 3NT shows a singleton heart.
After finding out about the singleton, opener may next make a cuebid of the singleton
). The cuebid is the CAB. Partner’s responses are:
- 1st step 0-2 (at most one ace or two kings)
- 2nd step 3 (ace and king or 3 kings)
- 3rd step 4 (2 aces or 1 ace and 2 kings or 4 kings). This seems contradictory but if you have less than 12 HCP you cannot bid 1
- 3
to show 4 controls.
- 3NT passed or bid is to play
- 4
is to play.
- 4NT is Blackwood ace asking.
Example 2
shows any solid 7 or 8 card suit with or without side controls.
A suit that will play for no losers opposite a singleton. If Opener wants to asks for outside controls they bid 4
. The answers are:
- 4
= No outside controls
- 4
= an outside king
- 4
= and outside ace or 2 kings
- 4NT = an ace and 1 king or 3 kings.
Opener's rebid after 1
- 1
- 1
all show 5 card suits.These bids are non-forcing.If you have an extremely strong hand,
or a hand with at least 8 tricks do not make a minimum non forcing bid.
- 1NT shows 16-19 HCP
- 2
shows the equivalent of a Standard bidder's 2
- 2NT shows a balanced hand with 20-21 HCP
- 3
show very strong,unbalanced hands with long minor suits
- 3
shows a solid suit with an extremely powerful hand (at least 9 tricks)and requires partner
to cuebid an Ace or void.This bid sets trump.
- 3NT shows a balanced hand with 24-26 HCP. (22-23 HCP NT hands) are opened 2NT
Responders second bid after they have responded 1
to 1
and opener has bid a major.
- 0-4 pass especially if balanced, if you have a fit and distributional
values use your judgment.
If you have an ace it is also advisable to keep the bidding open
- If opener has bid 1
or 1
and you have 4-5 support points raise partner to the 2 level.
If you are raising with only 4 points make sure you have some distribution.
- Jump raise partner with a fit and 6-7 support points. Always show a fit rather than
introducing your own suit except in one instance. If partner has bid 1
and you have
4 or more spades it is acceptable to bid 1
even with 3 card heart support.
Partner could have opened 1
with a 4,4,4,1 hand.
- With 5-7 HCP and no fit for partner, you may bid your own suit which shows at least
a 5 card suit except in the instance just discussed above, and it is non-forcing. Try to avoid at all costs bidding NT. The strong hand should play NT.
Responders second bid after they have responded 1
to 1
and opener has bid 1NT
Opener has show 16-19 HCP and now responder has become captain.
Do make make any invitational bids unless you have 7 HCP or some
long suit to compensate. With 6 HCP Stayman is safe however.
Here are your bids over 1NT
- Transfer into any major of 5 cards or longer and pass with 0-6 HCP.
What about 4 suit transfers ??
- 2
Stayman with 6 or 7 HCP. Opener's responses are:
- 2
= 16-17 HCP with no 4 card major
- 2
= 16-17 HCP 4 hearts; possibly 4 spades
- 2
= 16-17 HCP 4 spades; denies 4 hearts
- 2NT shows 18 HCP with no 4 card major
- 3
= 18-19 HCP, at least one 4 card major. Responder bids 3
to ask which
- 3
= 19 HCP, no 4 card major.
The Auction after responder has made a positive game forcing response.
- If your hand is balanced, respond in the appropriate level in NT.
- With 16-19 you would
respond 1NT over 1
or 1
; 2NT over 2
or 2
- With a balanced hand and 20-21 pts you will
bid 2NT over a major response and 3NT over a minor response.
- When you hand is even stronger
24+ balanced you will want to find another bid.
Even with 3 card support for partner and a balanced
hand you still might want to bid NT because a direct raise of partner's suit is the Trump Asking Bid (TAB).
The TAB is usually reserved for when opener has slam interest. There are other ways to show support of
partner.You could make a jump raise or splinter with 3 card support. With a balanced hand there is no need to
to rush to support partner. Let them describe their hand.
When using 2
as 4,4,4,1 (11-15) and partner bids your singleton and you have the other
4,4,4,1 range (16-24) then you would bid NT.
If partner rebids their suit and you still bid NT they will know you have a singleton.
The positive 1NT response
The positive 2NT response
Trump Asking Bids
A direct raise of partner's major suit response to 1
confirms a fit and is asking partner about the quality of their trump
- 1st step = 5 or more trumps with no top honor
- 2nd step = 5 trumps, 1 top honor
- 3rd step = 5 trumps with 2 top honors
- 4th step = 6 or more trumps with 1 top honor
- 5th step = 6 or more trumps with 2 top honors
- 6th step = Five or more to the AKQ
Control Asking Bids
the CAB is always used after the TAB.
You can make as many CAB''s as the auction permits and responder must continue
to answer your requests until you bid trump.
- 1st step = no control Jxx or worse
- 2nd step = third round control, Queen or doubleton
- 3rd step = second round control, King or singleton
- 4th step = first round control, Ace or void
- 5th step = AK or AQ
If opener uses the CAB for the same suit after your response
- 1st step = length
- 2nd step = strength
Thus if you have shown 3rd round control and partner asks about that suit again,
the first step would show a doubleton the second step the guarded queen.
The same goes for a singleton. the first step would show a singleton and the second step would show the singleton King
If the first CAB is at 5
or higher level the responses are compressed to these:
- 1st step = zero controls
- 2nd step = second round control
- 3rd step = first round control
When they interfere
After 1
- DBL (opening hand values)
- Pass 0-4 HCP
- 1
5-7 HCP
- Redouble positive game force,usually balanced.
- All other responses are the same as if they had not doubled.
After 1
- DBL (showing majors) Same structure applies except that if you bid NT you guarantee stoppers in both majors.
When they overcall 1 of a suit
- Pass 0-4 or trap pass
- Double 5+ balanced or 5-8 unbalanced
- Suit bids are natural and game forcing.
- Cuebid usually shows a balanced game forcing hand with no stopper in opponent's suit
They overcall 1NT (showing the minors). A variation of Unusual v Unusual can be used over any bid by the opponents that show known two suiters
- 2
shows 5 or more hearts, game forcing.
- 2
shows 5 or more spades, game forcing.
- 2
natural but not forcing
- Double shows an interest in penalizing one of their suits
They overcall at the 2 level
- Double = 6-8 HCP, any shape. If they overcall 2
, you can no longer jump to 3
for the unusual
positive, so you might have the 4-4-4-1 pattern. The 3
option is still open over 2
, however,
since that would be a jump. Also, after responder doubles, a new suit by opener is a 1 round force.
- Suit bids are positive and game forcing.
- 2NT = 8-10 or 14+ balanced with stoppers.
- 3NT - 11-13 with stoppers.
- A cuebid shows the values to be in game but no clear cut action;
no long suit, no stopper in the overcaller's suit.
They overcall at the 3 level
- Double = a balanced hand with a positive response.
- Suit bids are positive and game forcing
- 3NT = 8-11 with stoppers.
What to do when they overcall after 1
- P - 1
- (1
- Pass shows a balanced minimum with no 5 card suit
- Double = takeout (support for the other suits)
- Suit bids are natural (5 or more in the suit)and are not forcing
- 1NT shows a stopper and the upper end of NT range
- 2NT shows a stopper and the equivalent of a 2NT rebid without the interference.
- Cuebid = strong hand, lacking a stopper.
After 1
- P - 1
- 1NT (showing the minors)
- Pass shows a balanced minimum
- Double is penalty orientated
- 2
shows 5 or more hearts,and extra values (Unusual v Unusual)
- 2
shows 5 or more spades,and extra values
- 2
natural but not forcing
- 2NT = upper end of 1NT rebid range, stoppers in the minors.
After 1
- P - 1
- DBL (showing diamonds)
- Pass shows a balanced minimum
- 1NT shows a diamond stopper with the upper end of the range.
- Suit bids ignore the double.
When the interference is higher than the one level:
- Pass shows a balanced minimum
- Other bids take on a bit more weight Unusual v Unusual still applies over 2NT
Other opening bids
shows 11-15 HCP (Alert may have only 2 diamonds)
5 or more 11-15 HCP
6 card suit 5-10 HCP
2NT balanced 22-23 HCP (may have a 5 card major, Puppet Stayman is played)
11-15 HCP and shows at least 6 clubs
- 2
show 5 card suits and are constructive but not forcing (usually 8 to a poor 10 HCP).
- 2NT is a natural, invitational bid showing 10-11 HCP. If opener wishes to decline the invitation he
bids 3
, any other bid is game forcing.
- 3
is a preemptive raise.
- 3
are game forcing bids showing 6 card or longer suits
- 3NT shows a balanced hand with stoppers in unbid suits.
- 4
is preemptive, therefore
- 4
is Minor Suit Keycard for clubs.
- 4
to play
- 2
is the asking bid. Responses are:
- 2
shows a 4 card suit (over either of these bids partner can invite game by raising the major)
- 2NT = no 4 card major and a relatively balanced hand 11-13 HCP
- 3
= unbalanced
- 3
= 4 or 5 diamonds
- 3
= 5 or more hearts and 6 or more clubs
- 3
= solid club suit or 14-15 balanced (allowing responder to bid NT when appropriate)
- 3NT = 5 or more spades and 6 or more clubs.
opener 11-15 HCP short in diamonds. One of these hand shapes:
4,3,1,5 / 3,4,1,5 / 4,4,1,4 / 4,4,0,5
Responses to 2
- 2
to play
- 2NT asks for description responses are:
- 3
= 3,4,1,5
- 3
= 4,3,1,5
- 3
= 4,4,1,4
- 3
= 4,4,0,5
- 3NT = 4,4,1,4 (with the Ace or King of diamonds and 14-15 HCP)
Once hand pattern is known responder can ask for controls by bidding diamonds.
- 1st step 0-2 controls
- 2nd step 3 controls etc
You can cuebid diamonds directly over 2
if you do not care about shape and
want to ask for controls right away
Handling Interference
- All doubles are for penalty
- 2NT means the same as no interference
- Over the opponent's double a redouble says I would like to play 2
- Pass is a waiting action allowing opener to show their shape. Bids are:
- Redouble = 4,4,1,4 or 4,4,0,5 with a minimum
- 2
= 3,4,1,5
- 2
= 4,3,1,5
- 3
= 4,4,1,4 max
- 3
= 4,4,0,5 max
- 3NT = 4,4,1,4 (with the Ace or King of diamonds and 14-15 HCP)
When we open 1NT 10-12 or 13-15
is Stayman. There is no drop dead Stayman because we need a way to show
the invitational hands with a 5 or 6 card major.
over 1NT - 2
- 2
- 2
shows 5 card invitational hand
- 3
shows 6 card invitational hand
over 1NT - 2
- 2
- 3
would show the invitational heart hand. Pass, raise, or bid 3NT.
is Game Forcing Stayman
to play
2NT shows 5-5 minors or majors no game interest
shows a 6 card suit. Over 10-12 NT, responder shows 10-12 HCP. Over 13-15 NT, responder shows 7-9 HCP
Forcing to Game Stayman. Forcing Stayman bidder knows that partner does not have a 5 card major and another 4 card side suit.
Opener will only get a chance to show his 5 card suit if responder asks for further clarification of
the hand. When opener has a 5 card major and the bidding goes 1NT - 2
- 2
(New Suit),
Opener now does not rebid his 5 card major but shows support (or lack thereof) for responders suit.
Responder must also keep in mind when they have a game forcing hand that partner may have a 5 major
when opening INT. It is a simple process after opener shows he has at least a 4 card major to find out
if they have 5 by bidding 2NT as a further inquiry.
1NT - P - 2
Forcing to Game, does not promise a 4 card major.
- 2
shows 4/5 hearts, (may have 4 spades if only 4 hearts).
- 2
shows 4/5 spades, (does not have 4 hearts)
- 2NT denies a 4 card major or a 5 card minor
- 3
denies a 4 card major but shows 5 or more clubs
- 3
denies a 4 card major but shows 5 or more diamonds.
1NT - 2
- 2
- 2
(responder has 5 or more spades). Responses are:
- 2NT max hand doubleton spade
- 3
honor 3rd support or better with Ace of bid suit
- 3
honor 3rd support or better, either a minimum or no cue-bid.
- 3NT is a minimum hand with a doubleton spade
- 4
xxx in spades
- 4NT RKC for spades
INT - 2
- 2
- 2NT - asks shape. Responses are:
- 3
= 4 hearts + 4 clubs
- 3
= 4 hearts + 4 diamonds
- 3
= 5 hearts
- 3
= 4 hearts + 4 spades
- 3NT = 3,4,3,3
INT - 2
- 2
- 3
(responder has 5 or more clubs - slam try) Responses are:
- 3
promises honor 3rd or better and the Ace of diamonds.
- 3
promises honor 3rd or better and the Ace of hearts - denies the Ace of diamonds
- 3
promises honor 3rd or better and Ace of spades - denies lower Aces
- 3NT a doubleton or no cue-bid available
- 4
RKC for clubs.
1NT - 2
- 2
- 3
(responder has 5 or more diamonds - slam try). Responses are:
- 3
promises honor 3rd or better and the Ace of hearts
- 3
promises honor 3rd or better shows the Ace of spades - denies the Ace of hearts
- 3NT a doubleton or no cue-bid available.
- 4
promises honor 3rd or better with the Ace of clubs and no other Aces
- 4
RKC for diamonds
1NT - 2
- 2
- 3
(responder has 10 or more HCP and 4 or more hearts, slam try).
- 3
splinter 10 or more HCP, 4 or more hearts, slam try, 4NT is RKC for hearts
- 4
splinter 10 or more HCP, 4 or more hearts, slam try, 4NT is RKC for hearts
- 4
splinter 10 or more HCP, 4 or more hearts, slam try, 4NT is RKC for hearts
- 3NT to play
- 4NT RKC for hearts.
1NT - 2
- 2
- 2NT asks shape. Responses are:
- 3
= 4 spades + 4 clubs
- 3
= 4 spades + 4 diamonds
- 3
= 5 spades
- 3NT = 4,3,3,3
1NT - 2
- 2
- 3
(responder has 5 or more clubs - slam try). Responses are:
- 3
promises honor 3rd or better and the Ace of diamonds
- 3
promises honor 3rd or better and the Ace of hearts - denies the Ace of diamonds
- 3
promises honor 3rd or better and the Ace of spades - denies lower Aces
- 3NT a doubleton or no cue-bid available
- 4
RKC for clubs
1NT - 2
- 2
- 3
(responder has 5 or more diamonds - slam try). Responses are:
- 3
promises honor 3rd or better and the Ace of hearts
- 3
promises honor 3rd or better and shows Ace of spades
- 3NT a doubleton or no cue-bid available.
- 4
promises honor 3rd or better with the Ace of clubs
- 4
RKC for diamonds
1NT - 2
- 2NT - 3
(responder has 10 or more HCP 5 with hearts). Responses are:
- 3
honor 3rd support or better with Ace of bid suit
- 3NT shows a doubleton heart
- 4
is xxx
1NT - 2
- 2
- 3
(responder has 4 or more spades, 10 or more HCP - slam try)
- 4NT is RKC
- 4
splinter 10 or more HCP, 4 or more spades, slam try, 4NT is RKC for spades
- 4
splinter 10 or more HCP, 4 or more spades, slam try, 4NT is RKC for spades
- 4
splinter 10 or more HCP, 4 or more spades, slam try, 4NT is RKC for spades
- 3NT to play
- 4NT RKC for spades
1NT - 2
- 2NT - 3
asks shape. Responses are:
- 3
= 3,3,4,3
- 3
= 2,3,4,4
- 3
= 3,2,4,4
- 3NT = 3,3,3,4
1NT - 2
- 2NT
- 3
shows 5 or more diamonds - slam try
- 3
shows 10+ HCP and 5 hearts - slam try
- 3
shows 10+ HCP and 5 spades - slam try
Run-outs over 1NT - DBL (Must run with less than 9 pts 10-12 NT, less than 6 pts 13-15 NT)
- Bid a suit touching suits, that and higher.
- redouble forces the opener to bid 2
. Responder has a single suited hand.
- pass forces the opener to redouble, which may be left in or start of showing 2 non-touching suits.
Run-outs over 1NT - P - P - DBL. Responder may:
- Pass with balance of power
- Redouble to show single suited minor hand. Opener must bid 2
- D.O.N.T. run-outs for 2 suited hands.