Multi 2
We use modified Muiderberg 2
as our main preemptive weapon as this is more common than the standard
six carder, and generally safer. We don't venture any weak major two on those
tatty 5332 hands. It strikes me that you risk a penalty, but if opponents prefer
(at their choice!) to overcall: their suits are breaking! This sounds like bad
bridge to me.
EBU rules quite reasonably demand a reasonably frequent strong
option in the Multi and that your major be ambiguous. We incorporate 22-24 balanced
hands and big minor single suiters.
Our method allows you to show the following types
- Feeble weak twos in the majors (usual rubbish ..)
- Sound weak twos in the majors (say 8-9 points or AQxxxx)
- Sound weak twos with a side suit splinter
- Sound weak twos, balanced with a fluently running suit
- A strong (22-24) balanced hand. Or a pure Acol two in a minor
General method
The problem is there are just not enough simple
levels at the 3 level to unravel all this, and explore the major's strength, and
seek splinters, and still play in 3NT ... We get round this by ignoring(!) the
major when suitable for 3NT, and a two way 3
response to 2NT.
Our responses to the Multi 2
(our weak option based on 5-9 non-vulnerable/vulnerable to 7-11 unfavorable)
- 2
- to play or may pass/raise 2
- 2
- to play or heart game interest - standard paradox method
.. Over both major responses - 2NT and 3
are strong and natural - 2NT general inquiry on 15+ or 9+ with
both majors.
- 3
Natural, strong and forcing
- 3
paradox based pre-emptive raises. Bid 3
on a hand such as
Jxxx. We have found such bids very powerful at the table, and the contract often
scrambles home!
- 3NT - four card preemptive raise in either
major (0 to a bad 9)
.. this group of preempt extensions allow latitude for a big NT hand, as
the extent of any major fit is known
- 4
as 3NT but with 5+ hearts - 4
as 3NT but with 5+ spades - 4
natural - to play
Handling a big notrump hand
All is well over 2


responses - you just use your normal 2NT methods. It is important
if you use the paradox preempts to agree a method over the 3NT strong balanced
bid (many don't)! We use 4

as simple 5 card Stayman, forcing
to 4NT with no fit. 4


as transfers and 4

as slam interest in both minors. Our 3NT-4

preempt extensions allow opener to use judgment in these situation.
2NT general inquiry
2NT - inquiry, generally with 15+ or a good 9+ and both majors - responses:
- 3
- The big NT hand (22-24 for us) .. 3
Stayman, other continuations natural
- 3
- The pivot bid: Either a poor 2
opening or good 2
opening There are then alternative relays - 3
passable, and 3
forcing With the poor heart hand opener passes 3
, or bids 4
over the 3
relay. With a good 2
he shows his splinter (4
=heart shortage) or 3NT=(6332 non-running)
- 3
- Good weak two in hearts. 3
asks for the splinter (4
=spade splinter) or 3NT (good but non-running)
- 3
- Poor weak two in spades. 3NT then to play. 4 any = cue despite the bad news
- 3NT - 6332 hand and enough entries to run the major opposite xxx or Hx Curiously the major need not be specified if partner fancies 3NT! subsequent 4
= please rectify. You might prefer to play 3NT as simply balanced and two top honors
- 4
- Natural and strong
- 4
- A rare hand unsuited for 3 level preempt (7222 and a broken suit)
When opponents bid
You must discuss what to do over opponents doubles and
overcalls! After a double we make paradox raises as above (system on) on the
basis that opener is almost certainly a weak two. Over major overcall it generally
works to bid up in the other major, but you could come very unstuck! Perhaps for
pairs competition only. We play double as penalty, but takeout double of 2
- (2
) is a strong method. Over a double we make usual paradox response. 2
- (DBL) - Pass = 5+ diamonds (playable). 2
- (DBL) - ReDBL = 4+ diamonds but penalty orientated