Anti Michaels
If the opponents have shown two known suits, you play the same as unusual vs. unusual with some slight changes.
In the auction 1 - 2, 1 - 2, you know the opponents have the majors so:
- cheapest cue bid 2 - limit raise or better, shows heart stopper
- higher cue bid 2 - limit raise or better, shows spade stopper
- simple raise - competitive, 6-9 playing points
- 3 of a major - splinter (shortness)
- jump to game - to play, might be preemptive
- jump to 4 of a suit - preemptive with five Trumps
- 2 NT - natural, Invitational to 3NT
- double - 10+ HCP; defense for one of the majors. Same as unusual
- bid of 4th suit - natural, forcing one round
When only one suit is known.
1 - 2 Responses:
- 3 says partner without the interference I would have bid 2 showing 6-9 playing points
- 2 is a game forcing bid in support of Hearts
- 2NT is a limit raise in Hearts
- 3/3 are natural and forcing.
- Double means I can punish them in one of their suits and promises that if partner passes you will take action.
It also asks partner to participate and double any bid he can.
- 4 - Long trumps and good playing strength, with less than limit-raise high-card values.
- Jump cue-bid 1 - 2 - 3/4/4 - Splinter, showing a singleton and slam-try in partner's suit.
- 3NT -To play, showing game values and stoppers in both of overcaller's suits.
1 - 2. Responses:
- 3 says partner without the interference I would have bid 2 showing 6-9 playing points
- 3 is a game forcing bid in support of Spades
- 2NT is a limit raise in Spades
- 3/3 are natural and forcing.
- Double means I can punish them in one of their suits and promises that if partner passes you will take action.
It also asks partner to participate and double any bid he can.
- 4 - Long trumps and good playing strength, with less than limit-raise high-card values.
- Jump cue-bid 1 - 2 - 4/4/4 - Splinter, showing a singleton and slam-try in partner's suit.
- 3NT - To play, showing game values and stoppers in both of overcaller's suits.