Mini-McKenney (Unit 390)

Unit 390 Mini-McKenney Race

The ACBL records all member Masterpoints and provides the means to summarize the year-to-date leaders for each member rank. You can easily track your progress against your peer group.

The Mini-McKenney race includes all masterpoints won at ACBL sanctioned tournaments and clubs but not online points. Race updates are posted by ACBL around the 6th of each the month.

The following links allow any member to access the latest report for the current or a previous year.


To see the current Unit 390 report click HERE


You can also check reports for other ACBL Units or Unit 390 reports for past years.

  • Select Race (Mini-McKenney)
  • Enter Race Year (history is available back to 2006)
  • Enter Unit (390 for the Calgary unit, 391 for Edmonton, and so on) (Note Unit 390 is under District 18)

To request a report click HERE